Whatever the reason, the good people of Calgary are getting seriously annoyed by the sharply increased presence of the FetusMobile on their streets.
There are several variants of the FetusMobile. You can see a representative array of them here. Creative lot, aren't they?
Complaining to the city and police hasn't done any good. So the good people of Calgary are fighting back -- with ridicule. And facts.
We really like the poster promoting Tubby Dogs' Hot Dog Eating Contest.

The copy underneath takes a swipe at the fetus fetishists' fetish for bogus statistics.
Approximately 70% of the hot dogs eaten during this event will be soaked in water to aid swallowing and 13% of the contestants will top their hot dogs with dome type of condiment -- often ketchup. It's estimated 83% of the hot dogs prepared will be destroyed during this event -- 100% of those hot dogs will have no choice.
Here's Tubby Dog's inspiration (snaffled from JJ's hilarious post about the FetusMobile and its insane driver caught in a road-rage incident):

Another group is also making mock. Calgary Pro-Choice Coalition has developed a comic. They're raising money to get it printed, but they're offering a free download here.
It's intended to inform people about the actual law of the land and the wackadoodles driving to subvert it. I'm not going to link but it is the abortion = genocide ijits.
Go. Download. Make supportive wall-posts on the Coalition's Facebook page.
Most of all -- laugh.