So you don't have to.
Recently, there's been a shitload of hype around
180, a supposedly award-winning documentary showing young people changing their minds on abortion 'in seconds'. (Note: Not to be confused with
180, a Tamil/Telugu romantic drama.)
The 33-minute long (and I mean loooong)
piece of crap film can now be viewed all over the toobz, including the link above and this one,
HeartChanger, where you can also buy the '180 course' for the deeply discounted price of $10.99.
If you don't want to give the fetus fetishists any linky love, it's on
YouTube too. (But be warned. The makers are hoping it goes 'viral', having heard that this is A Good Thing.)
If you really want to watch it, don't read any further, or you'll miss the surreality of it.
I didn't know anything about it -- beyond the fetus fetishists' whooping about how revolutionary it is -- before hitting play, so the grainy newsreel footage of Nazis threw me a bit. I mean, we know fetus fetishists love them some Nazi-genocide analogies but, like, where was this going?
No clue in the next bit either, as the documentary maker asks a bunch of young people if they know who Adolf Hitler is. (I assume they're Murrican; they sound and look like Murricans.) They're mostly stunningly ignorant. Those who venture a guess try 'a Communist?'
So, we've established the sample group out of which the 180° turners will appear -- a gang of staggeringly ignorant doofusses.
Docu-guy asks if they are pro-choice or anti-choice. Both sorts are represented.
Then he asks them to do a thought-experiment. Tells the kids they are literally under a Nazi gun and being told to drive the bulldozer that will cover a trench filled with Jews, some of whom may not be dead. Would they do it?
Most are horrified and say 'no'. Some think it over and decide that they would do it to save their own lives.
Then he establishes whether the kids believe that a fetus is a 'baby' or a 'child'. We don't get to hear from those who may have answered 'Nope'. All on film answer 'yes'.
Now the arm-twisting begins. He says to the kids who wouldn't drive the bulldozer to complete this sentence: 'It's OK to kill a baby/child in the womb when. . . .'
They're flummoxed. He prompts with 'You wouldn't bury Jews alive, but it's OK to kill a baby in the womb when. . . '
They dither. They back down. 'Well, when you put it like that. . .' several say.
Yeah, when you make a totally false equivalency for a bunch of dolts who don't know who Adolf Hitler is, well, yeah, when you put it like that. . . .
Then, incredibly, it gets weirder. He says Hitler hated the ten commandments and asks them if they've lied, stolen, blasphemed, looked at others with lust, yadayada. Not surprisingly, most have lied, stolen, etc.
(The best bit -- and I hope some techno-wiz excerpts it for YouTube -- is when he asks a young woman if she has ever lusted after a man. A: 'Nope, I'm gay'.)
Having established that they are all sinners facing hell on Judgement Day -- really, I am not making this shit up -- he gets them to reaffirm their brand-spanking-new anti-choice position. Then tells them: 'Please, never ever give your vote to someone who would support the murder of a child in the womb'. (Fetus fetishists really loooove the word 'womb', don't they?)
The documentary-maker is
Ray Comfort, a New-Zealand born Christianist. (The wiki page has not been updated to include this new venture, but you'll see what he's about there.)
Creationist, liar, strawman-aficionado -- just the guy to make a piece of dreck like 180.
In the accompanying
bullshit promotional stuff, he says that the making of this was an accident. He intended make a DVD accompaniment to some book he's writing about Hitler and the ten commandments.
But serendipity!!!! strikes when he gets the notion to link Nazis and abortion. (Dude, we hate to break it to you, but this little act of mental gymnastics has been
done. To death.)
So, as you cruise the toobz and run into members of the #FetusLobby crowing over this
'shocking, powerful, award-winning' piece of flimflammery, now you know what got their shorts jizzed.
More of the usual lying bullcrap.
This, BTW, is the
award it won.
Entries are self-nominated with approximately 11,000 submissions per year as of 2010, and the awards are judged by past award winners. There is no set limit to the number of winners each year, but the total numbers in the thousands. The statue prizes are paid for by the winners using engraved information chosen by the recipient.
Well, scamsters
are the easiest to scam.
Image source.
ADDED: From noah buddy in the comments, who seems to have the measure of nutters like Ray Comfort. Operation 360's
spoiler and a Russian
mirror site if you really must see the whole POS, while depriving the fetus fetishists of hits.