He was one of the vultures hanging around not-quite-dead Terri Shiavo and practically did a jig when Dr. Tiller was assassinated.
He's been in trouble with his titular bosses, the Catlick Church, for among other things, financial improprieties.
But just before The Tragedy, he outdid himself.
Ahead of Tuesday’s presidential election, the Rev. Frank Pavone took an aborted fetus, laid it upon an altar Sunday and posted a live video on Facebook. Pavone, a Catholic priest who heads New York-based Priests for Life, said the fetus was entrusted to him by a pathologist for burial.There's a five-minute clip of the video here.
Not knowing anything about things sacred or profane, I was simply appalled at the disrespect and well, just plain tackiness. But it's worse than that to Catlicks. It was sacrilege.
Why am I going on about this? Because you, dear readers, and I have given these offensive nutbars more than $75K over the last five years.
Here are Priests for Life Canada's Canada Revenue Agency filings.
Look at that nice acid green. That's us. (Graph from 2015 filing.)
From 2011 to 2015, Priests for Life in 11 constituencies (one in Alberta, ten in Ontario) applied for and received $76,784 in funding from Employment and Social Development Canada under the Canada Summer Jobs program.
Here's the listing for Ontario. Irritatingly, they list grants by province and riding.
On their CRA filing, Priests for Life specify their purpose as running convents and monasteries.
So, why the fuck are they hiring kids? And what the fuck kind of "meaningful work experience" do the kids get? And why the fuck are we paying for it?
From the eligibility page of the program.
The job must provide meaningful work experience for the student. It must not contribute to the provision of a personal service to the employer (e.g. the job must not involve gardening, domestic services, child care services, etc., for the employer).I've been feeling pretty helpless these past ten days, but this I can do something about.
UPDATE (November 25/16): Patricia Maloney, aka the Amateur Statistician, commented. Says Priests for Life Canada is totally different from Pavone's gang. Yeah. Except for the shared name and goals and the fact that one gets to the Canadian outfit through a link called "International" on the US site.
All of which does not matter much. Because the fact remains that Canadian taxpayers are being scammed by eleven different branches of this misogynist "charity" for five years that we know of. For a total of more than $76K.
The Cdn gang furiously back-pedalled away from Pavone's dead-fetus-on-the-altar stunt. Not because they were disgusted, but because it was a big no-no to the sky fairy. Or something.
Who cares? I care about the money, the lies, and the misogyny.