Wednesday, 28 March 2012

ShriEEEk!!! Only Anti-choice freedom of expression allowed.

Pro-Choice T-Shirt Leads To Catholic School Student Suspensions

Seven students at St. Patrick's Catholic High School in Thunder Bay were suspended for wearing handmade pro-choice stickers on white t-shirts during a school sanctioned pro-life 'Day of Silence'.

Students were asked by the school to sport white t-shirts that said 'Life' in red tape, which in and of itself is a bit odd. Telling kids to become billboards for the church's policy...

So fifteen-year-old Alexandria Szeglet along with 23 other kids that disagreed with the event decided to sport green stickers that said "choice."

The school asked them to remove the stickers... 17 complied and the seven who didn't were suspended.

Imagine that... a school in Canada suspending kids for taking a position that is actually legal in Canada.

From here.

Have anti-abortion students been prevented in secular schools from wearing a Tshirt that simply said: "Life" ? I don't think so.

Added: the predictable abortion-criminalizing spin, claiming the "Choice" students were disruptive.

Also: contrast and compare - a number of posts at DJ! about those elaborate sham displays titled "Echoes of the Holocaust" (produced by the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform) that have been challenged wherever they have bullied their way onto university campus.


Beijing York said...

Please tell me this merits a human rights complaint? Where are the freedom of expression warriors?

KayCee said...

I'm horrified, plain & simple. I'm so proud of these girls. CPC is trying to divide this country, and this just another tool they are using. I fought for pro-choice 30 yrs. ago, I will fight for it again. Outrageous - I see a HR complaint. Freedom of speech, expression - Charter of Rights.

ck said...

"Where are the freedom of expression warriors?"

Too busy whining & bitching how the pro-choice students at universities are stifling the expression of anti-choice students.

Also, they're planning a fetus festival.

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