Well, of course they wanted to provoke something, so they redid it.
Here's how LifeShite is reporting the incident.
Newman then became aggressive towards the group, shouting and waiving his arms.(IANAL but a bit of advice: perhaps LifeShite would be well advised to add an 'alleged' before that 'blow'.)
Footage filmed by Golob shows Newman demanding the pro-life activists leave the area. Golob can be heard saying to her companions: “You don’t have to engage with him [the owner], I just want to make sure nothing violent happens.”
At that point, footage shows Newman turning towards Golob and launching himself at her with raised fists shouting: “This is violence.”
Golob escaped injury by ducking away from his blow.
It goes on. (Dig the language.)
“[This is just] another example of the pro-‘choice’ movement violently attacking women in attempt [sic] to take away their choice to publicly demonstrate,” said Golob at the time to LifeSiteNews.com.Officer Humphreys is right. That's exactly what they were doing -- shit-disturbing.
When Golob reported the incident to police, she was disturbed when the officer appeared to take the side of the pub owner. Police refused to pursue the matter further.
“When I called the police, Officer Humphreys told me that since the pub owner didn't ‘touch’ me there was nothing they could do," she said. "They said that if I go back a second time, and the police get called, then I would be to blame because I would be ‘disturbing the peace.’"
Fetus fetishists have an odd fascination for that corner. That's the site of their annual creepy xmas crying toy-soldier billboard.

On Twitter, we were speculating why that corner is so attractive to them. Targets may be a nearby public health clinic (that doesn't do abortions obviously) perhaps serving Ryerson students or just Ryerson students in general.
In any case, it's a good pub. The Library upstairs is very comfy with a fairly quiet patio. So, if you've worked up a thirst in the Yonge/Dundas neighbourhood, drop in and show your support.
@fernhilldammit oh, I am going to ask if there is a legal defence fund jar I can drop a 20 in ;)
— TheGrumpierHobbit (@AGrumpyHobbit) August 30, 2013
The Imperial Pub is on Twitter too. Another way to show them some love.
UPDATE: Best notion on why that corner.
@barb_hill @AureliaCotta @trapdinawrpool @fernhilldammit the Campaign Life Coalition national office is on Bond, steps away from the pub
— Mary (@marykilmer) August 30, 2013