I point out again that the attestation could as well be called the "sexuality/gender/gender identification clause" but why bother? The media and the "faith community" (meaning mostly the Catholic Church) chose to see it purely as ABORTION!!!!!
In fact, there are more Catholic groups in this lot that didn't get the memo, including the Knights of Columbus.

The usual reminders on process: I was going by name only, quite literally. All (known) religious groups got tagged. Others that sounded "churchy" got checked. Caps and quotation marks from original document. Where "no website" is noted I could not find a website for that particular group. (Obviously there is a website for "United Church of Canada" but sometimes I couldn't find one specific to that riding.) Where a link is not provided, it is elsewhere in this blogpost. I haven't done the hyperlink thing, because there are too many. Sorry, you'll have to copy and paste.
Asterisks indicate a Catholic organization.
Mega thanks again to the Data Monster.
Cape Breton - Canso
MP Rodger Cuzner, Lib.
Catholic Cemetery Company no website
Catholic Episcopal Corporation
Episcopal Corporation of Antigonish http://www.antigonishdiocese.com/
Episcopal Corporation of Diocese of Antigonish same as above
Holy Guardian Angels Parish http://home.seaside.ns.ca/~hgap/
Saint Joseph's Parish http://www.gcatholic.org/churches/canada-east/14557.htm ***
St. Anne's/St. John's Cemetery http://gbcem.cbns.ca/GB_StAnnes.html
St. Matthew's United Church, Inverness http://inverguyunited.ca/saint-johns/
St. Michael's Parish http://www.gcatholic.org/churches/canada-east/14633.htm ***
St. Peter's Parish http://www.antigonishdiocese.com/index.php/our-parishes/mass-times-by-location
St. Stephen's-Jubilee United Church http://inverguyunited.ca/saint-johns/
United Protestant Church of Sydney River http://www.unitedprotestant.com/about-us/
Central Nova
MP Sean Fraser, Lib.
Camp Geddie - Synod of the Atlantic Provinces of the Presbyterian Church in Canada http://campgeddie.ca/
Lower Musquodoboit Pastoral Charge https://marconf.ca/presbyteries/truro/lower-musquodoboit/
Pictou United Church http://www.pictouunited.com/
Sheet Harbour United Church Pastoral Charge https://marconf.ca/presbyteries/halifax/sheet-harbour/
The Salvation Army
Trenton Church of the Nazarene http://www.trentonchurch.ca/
MP Bill Casey, Lib
Atlantic Christian Training Centre https://www.tatacentre.ca/
The Salvation Army in Canada
Dartmouth-Cole Harbour
MP Darren Fisher, Lib.
Corporation of Christ Church https://www.christchurchdartmouth.com/
Stevens Road United Baptist Church stevensroadbaptist.ca
MP Alaina Lockhart, Lib.
"Congregation of the Cathedral Church of All Saints, Halifax" http://www.cathedralchurchofallsaints.com/
The Salvation Army
Halifax Dartmouth Church of Christ http://halifaxchurchofchrist.com/
Hope United Church http://www.hopeunitedchurch.ca/
Maritime Muslim Academy http://www.maritimemuslimacademy.ca/
Parish of St. George http://roundchurch.ca/
Saint George's YouthNet Society https://www.stgeorgesyouthnet.ca/
ST. MATTHEW'S UNITED CHURCH http://stmatts.ns.ca/
The Atlantic Jewish Council https://theajc.ns.ca/
Wardens St. Paul's Anglican Church http://www.stpaulshalifax.org/our-team/
Mission to Seafarers Halifax http://missiontoseafarershalifax.ca/
Halifax West
MP Geoff Regan, Lib.
Bayers Road United Baptist Church can't connect to website
Bedford Baptist Church https://www.bedfordbaptist.ca/
Beechville Baptist Church http://beechvillebaptistchurch.ca/
Grace Chapel http://www.gracechapel.ca/
Mosaic Church Halifax http://mosaicchurchhalifax.ca/
One Church http://www.onehalifax.com/
Parish of All Saints Church http://www.cathedralchurchofallsaints.com/
Timberlea United Baptist Church https://timberleabaptistchurch.squarespace.com/next
Kings-Hants none
MP Scott Brison, Lib.
MP Darrell Samson, Lib
"Knox United Church, Lower Sackville, NS" http://www.knoxsackville.ca/
Beacon House Inter Faith Society https://www.beaconhousens.org/node/2
Good Shepherd Church Lawrencetown http://www.goodshepherdchurch.ca/
Lake Echo Fellowship Baptist Church http://lakeechobaptist.com/
Vineyard Christian Fellowship http://www.halifaxvineyard.com/
South Shore-St. Margarets
MP Bernadette Jordan, Lib.
AEnon Baptist Church https://www.aenonbaptist.church/
Atlantic Jewish Council
Bridgewater Day Care Centre of the Bridgewater United Church http://www.bridgewaterunited.ca/
Central United Church Lunenburg http://www.centralunitedlunenburg.ca/
Milton Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) http://www.miltonchristianchurch.ca/index.html
Saint Margaret's Anglican Church https://oakfieldanglican.ca/
Summerville Christian Church http://www.canadadisciples.org/our-congregations.html
The Three Churches Foundation http://www.threechurchesfoundation.ca/
Western Nova Scotia Camp Council - United Church of Canada no website
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church https://www.facebook.com/ZionEvangelicalLutheranChurch/
Lutheran Camp Mush-A-Mush Society http://campmush.ca/
MP Mark Eyking, Lib
Catholic Episcopal Corp. no website
Holy Cross Cemetery Care Committee https://www.holycrosscemeteryns.com/
Inner City Churches Loaves and Fishes Society http://www.loavesandfishescb.com/
Knights of Columbus http://scotiaknights.ca/about-us/ ****
Parish of Saint Leonard http://parishofsaintleonard.com/home.html
St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Neil's Harbour no website
The Salvation Army
West Nova
MP Colin Fraser, Lib.
Anglican Parish of Clements http://www.nspeidiocese.ca/page/parishes.aspx#.WvxYTYV6KUc
Beacon United Church http://www.beaconunited.org/
Congregational Church of Chebogue Preservation Society no website
Corporation of Trinity Anglican Church http://anglicanpdw.ca/church/trinity-anglican-church/
Immaculate Conception Parish Episcopal Corp. http://www.gcatholic.org/churches/canada-east/14624.htm
Paroisse St-Pierre Epis. Corp. of Yarmouth http://www.paroissesaintpierre.ca/ ****
Restoration Committee for the Argyle Historic Church no website
Weymouth Church of Christ http://weymouthchurch.wixsite.com/weymouthchurch
Old Holy Trinity Charitable Trust http://oldholytrinitychurch.ca/wp
And in a tiny bit of good news, some media outlets have acknowledged -- albeit at the end of otherwise shrieeeeeky articles -- that indeed religious groups have applied and been funded.
The Employment and Social Development Canada website shows hundreds of churches among the employers who were approved for funding this year, along with faith-based camps.
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