Tuesday 9 November 2010

Violence and Fake Pregnancy Clinics

Remember raging nutcase Flip Benham, he of the 'wanted' posters of abortion providers and snappy shrieeeeeks at women entering clinics like 'Satan will drink the blood of your child'?

He was charged with criminal stalking and 'disruption of domestic tranquility for residential picketing'. Found guilty. Sentenced to two years' probation. And ordered to stay away from targeted doctors.
Benham and his associates were ordered to stay 300 feet or more from wherever the targeted doctor works and 1,000 from his residence. Benham was put on two years probation.

The two years sounds about right to me -- spent doing hard time, that is.

He won't abide by the conditions. He''ll appeal. He'll wail about free speech. He'll get arrested again. And there will be MASSIVE martyrgasms among his followers.

It is so predictable.

Meanwhile, I did learn something new. There is a strong association of violence against clinics and staff with proximity to fake pregnancy clinics, aka 'Crisis Pregnancy Centers'. Flip is a featured player here.

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