So the
As it turns out, this isn't the first time Stevie has said érection instead of élection.
Now, what does that say about bilingual members working for the PMO politburo that they're all too scared stiff to tell the boss he keeps getting his French *l* & *r* mixed up?
Lusting after a majority is Viagra to Harper? That's hardly a surprise. But since we're rubbing up to the edge of vulgarity here - what the hell, let's go all the way. One could blame it on Dan Gardner since he wrote "Stephen Harper is Richard Nixon on a bad day." back in 2008.
Stevie Peevie. Tricky Dicky.
Don't Switch Dicks in the Middle of a Screw, Vote Nixon in '72
Harper desperately desires a majority. His strategy so far is to warn Canadians they shouldn't switch, that they should stick with the one who'll provide them with a steady and stable
In what other weird, frantic, unattractive ways is Harper like Nixon?
The opposition coalition forced the erection.
I cannot believe Harper plans to go after "women's votes". It is insulting that he thinks we are a homogenous group to be targeted. And then he only cares about women as full-time caregivers, denying us a national day care program and funding to organizations that worked towards gender equality in the workplace and sexual and reproductive choice. He is a scary man.
Check out the list provided by Voices at this site:
So many of the organizations that lost funding or had funding reduced are women's advocacy groups (advancing such things as safety, reproductive rights, pay equity) and childcare experts and advocates.
Harper only appeals to women who are content to dutifully follow their husband's whims in the kitchen and bedroom.
And while on the subject of paternalistic world views, we also need a list of evangelical organizations who have reaped a windfall from this government.
The terrific links that Beijing York and Nadine provided, clickable:
Voices' list of groups defunded by Harper Regime.
The War on Women
HarperCon Hates Women
Think Progress article
Ms magazine article
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