To recap: Antonia Zerbisias first wrote a column, then a blogpost on her fabulous idea to make t-shirts emblazoned with 'Proud to be a member of that "left-wing fringe group" called "women"'. She created a Facebook page with membership at the moment of 972 good people.
That project is for real t-shirts with proceeds going to an equal rights organization yet to be named.
Simultaneously, Alison at Creekside created a virtual t-shirt and added people's names to it. Then we started hearing from the good guys who love and support members of that left-wing fringe group called women.
I suggested at Antonia's place that there also be real a t-shirt for the guys, or, as we called them in the first F-Word Awards 'Support Bro's'. I don't know if the real-t-shirt organizers are going to take that on, but in the meantime, step right up, fellas, and add your name to this virtual t-shirt.
Leave a comment here and when I figure out how to do it -- or when I figure out how to strong-arm some smarter person into doing it, your name will be added.

And of course, sistah and support bro bloggers, feel free to pile on!
UPDATE: Antonia in the comments confirms that there will be a guys' version and that LEAF is taking it on as a fundraiser. Yay, us!
It's all arranged. Separate t-shirts for men. Designs are being tweaked right now.
LEAF is taking on the whole shebang as a fundraiser, while Jude MacDonald and Pale Cold will be running the Facebook group.
My work is done here.
Now, to save the world.
I'd be proud to wear a support bros T-shirt - I'd even be extra careful not to spill on it. Is this where ya sign up?
Dam straight, Yay Us! Tell us where/when. I can't wait to see me 82 year old mum and 23 year old kid, side by side in them, ha! Thanks to all involved.
Great idea, fern hill!
Sign me up, please . . . .
I don't wear shirts. I don't wear shorts either. TMI. However, I will donate for a Support Bro's T-shirt when it is offered to the public. Great idea!
The genius is all down to Antonia and then Alison's quick uptake of it.
But yeah, I have a problem too. I don't wear t-shirts with shit written on them. So, I guess I'll buy one and save it for appropriate demonstrations. Or elections.
Well, I do wear t-shirts, I even wear them to work as long as I'm not leaving the office (which I rarely do any more) -- so you can damn sure put me down for one.
Oh goody.I was hesitating about the pink one because I don't look good in that colour...too gay. But I look so great and so butch in blue, and it's such a good idea, please sign me on :)
Sign me up. But I have a question. And how about, instead of a t-shirt, we chose a garment that shows how in touch with the mores of everyday "Tim Horton's" Canadians? Perhaps a sweater vest.
Hiya, Constant Vigilance,
A sweater vest with words printed on it? Doesn't a sweater vest already say everything the person wearing it wants us to know?
Maybe you could chop the arms off the t and ruff it up a bit, you know, a homemade sweater-vesty-like-thingy.
Hiya, Simon,
I'll bet you look fab in pink. But if butch is what you want, butch is what you'll get.
The real girly shirt is going to be black. So prolly the the boy shirt will be black too. You know, because we're not only left-wing fringey, but anarchisty too. Or fashion-conscious. Or something.
I WANT ONE!!! I can wear it on patrol. :)
I'll wear one whatever it looks like. Consider this my pre-order, and my big two-middle-fingered salute to the unREAL Women.
Oh black...with red hair...that'll be excellent too :)
mmm yes please, psa wants one too!
This is so great. WTG Antonia for starting, dare I say, a pivotal movement. YAY!
Now I've got to do some shopping.
Actually, I do wear pink shirts and I'm not gay. I did quit last week and joined the Promise Keepers. I'll probably quit that next week. They have a "Me Tarzan, you Jane" outlook on life.
Here's some info about wearing pink shirts:
But ... but ... where are the MRA trolls?
Shh, Mary, they haven't found us yet. They're too busy harassing Antonia.
I love it. I've joined the facebook group (which I almost never do), and I'm buying a t-shirt for me and for my daughter, and for a few other women in my life.
I'm joining the group and would be proud to have my name added to the shirt.
great idea.
Me too!
Am I too late? I've been sort of keeping track of this while I was trying to rescue a computer that finally did us both a favour and died altogether.
I'm a little out of the loop, so what's goin on? What's happening? What's the story?
Hey, Bruce. No, you're not too late. As you can see from the photo, I haven't figured out how to put Support Bro's names on the t-shirt and no Smart Person has stepped up to rescue me.
But this is just the virtual version. There will be real t-shirts with proceeds going to LEAF.
Go to the Facebook page for details and watch this space -- or any of the other promoters of this, AZ, ACR, Alison at Creekside, a bunch of others -- for updates on how to order etc.
Cool, I'm a graphic artist btw. Just mentioning that as I put the banner on my blog and almost passed out from looking at that type.
Without offending anyone's honest efforts, can I help out here? If you need any help, I can do just about anything, and I really want to fix the type on those banners too.
You belong to Facebook, Bruce? (I don't.) Go to the link and see what's going on there. Offer to help.
And if you can download the t-shirt pic here and put all the names of Support Bro's who've added comments here on it, like Alison did here for the girly shirt, that would be awesome. Post it at your place and I'll steal it. :D
Thanks Fern, for all your help. I'm sending out offers to help.
Have been wrapped up in events south of the border (as per usual) but am totally behind this. Sign me up.
Our old pal (despite the fact that he's an evul Sens fan ;)), Chester is having trouble leaving a comment. He wants to say that he will buy and proudly wear a Support Bro t-shirt.
Thanks, Chester.
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