More here. By the way that document, which had been available for public viewing, is no longer. Last evening the Radio-Canada investigative journalism program Enquêtes probed cop violence and other aspects of the G20. It made a case for the argument that activists from Québec were strategically targeted for pre-emptive and particularly brutal apprehension. This is an adaption of the joint news documentary it produced with CBC's Fifth Estate. In other news related to the G20, the tabling of Auditor General Sheila Fraser's forensic scrutiny of its MASSIVE costs is delayed until Parliament resumes. No chance that information can be publicly disclosed during the election since the document is under lock and key. That blast of expelled fetid air you just heard is a sigh of relief from Contempt leader Harper and his ex-PMO politburo.A parliamentary committee studying last summer's G8 and G20 summits is calling for a full judicial inquiry into the events' policing and security.
In a report tabled Friday before the government fell, MPs listed 12 recommendations and insisted that the federal government issue an apology to "thousands of Canadians and visitors to Toronto who had their rights violated during the G20 summit."
Friday, 1 April 2011
Democracy & soap bubbles are fragile.
All snerking aside about how the G20 provided a boost to the local economy police officers's salary, the report tabled in the House of Commons last Friday (and it seems, eons ago) by the House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security released was not positive about Contempt leader Harper's shindig.
It's Ok - Check out the report here:
And, what's more...
Ontario Provincial Police have charged a private security firm with allegedly breaking provincial licencing laws during its work at the G8 and G20 summits.
Norma's link made clickable.
That 'Dissenting Opinion from the Contempt Party of Canada' is so adorable.
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