The next Canadian ambassador to the Vatican Taliban, that's who.
Mr. [Dennis] Savoie, once a senior executive at New Brunswick Power and a former top official with the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic service organization, was tapped Friday to represent Canada to the Holy See, the government of the Roman Catholic Church in Vatican City.As if Canada's international reputation needed any further

Not only does he have zero diplomatic experience, he's a rabid fetus fetishist.
A December 2009 post on a “Quebec Life Coalition” website discusses a pro-life speech where he talks about the need to defend this position in a “Quebec culture that seems increasingly bent on killing the vulnerable” by abortion.A man who considers the exercise of human rights (by slutty women) equivalent to terrorism? Sure, why the fuck not?
“Mr. Savoie started his speech by comparing the 3,000 deaths from 9/11 to the over 3,000 daily deaths that result from abortion,” the website says.
“‘Why,’ he wondered out loud ‘were we so stunned and bewildered by the 3,000 deaths on 9-11 when we’re so silent about the 3,000-plus deaths that occur each day in North America from abortion?’,” Mr. Savoie is reported to have said.
NDP foreign affairs critic Paul Dewar said his party feels the new envoy is unfit to represent Canada.
“Comparing reproductive rights to 9/11 terror attacks is not the kind of judgment we expect in a Canadian diplomat. Appointments like this will further undermine Canada’s reputation on the international stage,” Mr. Dewar said.
It's just another step in furthering the religious take-over of the Harper Government.
A March news release by the American Knights of Columbus reports on a private luncheon attended by Supreme Director of the Canadian Knights, Robert Cayea, and Speaker of the House, Conservative MP Andrew Scheer. The Speaker is a member of the Knights of Columbus Council 10418 in Regina.
Other notable members of the Knights include Conservative MP Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, and a potential successor to PM Stephen Harper. Kenney, too, voted in favor of Motion 312. Last June, on behalf of the Canadian government, Kenny awarded Deputy Supreme Knight Dennis A. Savoie with a commemorative medal for his charitable work and contribution “to the revitalization of the new voices of lay Catholics” expressing “the values of dignity of the human person and the sanctity of human life.”
And don't forget another promient a feather-hatted fetus fetishist. Stephen Woodworth.
ADDED: Just saw this. So succinct.
HarperLand™ John Baird chose an old, sexist phallocrate who can barely hold his penis straight when he pees #CDNPoli
— Julie (@Juicexlx) August 2, 2014
MORE: Andrew Bennett, Mr *Religious Freedoms* Ambassador was also a K o' C fella. May still be, for all we know though his Ko-Conspirators, all good Catholic family men and proud patriarchs found it odd that a bachelor chose to join. Read that in his parish newsletter.
Andrew Bennett too? Wonder what the CPC fundies think about all these Catlicks in positions of power? Don't they have a thing about Opus Dei?
They'll shake on any deal with the 'unseen hand'. Honest.
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