On Monday I posted this about the damage that Harper's CPC Con revisionists are about to wreak upon the Museum of
On Thursday I toured Peace: the Exhibition at the War Museum.
It was Dr Lotta Hitschmanova's birthday - over 104 years ago; she had a small place in one of the vignettes that acknowledge her role as a post-WWII refugee to Canada, and her contributions to reconstruction work.
More about Lotta, whose voice and brilliant *branding* of the USC through her public service announcements on the CBC, is acutely remembered by people who grew up in the 1950s and 60s.
I found the exhibition to be superficial; the focus was on war and from my perspective, peace was presented as an occasional inconvenience to the all-important military industrial complex and weapons manufacture corporations. The political machinations that enabled these business interests to thrive were given a shiny gloss and spin.
Since the perspective was Canadian, some of the politicians featured are: Diefenbaker, Pearson, Trudeau and astonishingly, Harper. Or perhaps that was pathetically predictable.
Most of the graphic displays are modest in scale, reproductions of photographs, and documents, artifacts on display and so forth. Not so for the two pictures of PMSHithead which are of course MASSIVE.
It was curiosity that drew me to this exhibition; I had heard much valid criticism of it, particularly with regard to the elements emphasized, and most relevant, all that was absent. However, the curator for this exhibition surely deserves some recognition for her defense of the paltry statements in support of peace that survived what must have been grueling negociations with ideologically-driven, CON-staffed program committees.
Did I mention that the greatly admired participation by our Canadian troops in UN peace-keeping initiatives is given a minuscule place? No surprise; that history doesn't jive with Harper's remake of Canada.
This review brings a thoughtful and positive perspective, reflecting upon the importance and the history of making peace instead of waging war.