This evening I saw Sarah Polley's _Stories We Tell_.
It's cleverly crafted and passionate. A lively, entertaining, intelligent film experience.
Don't read spoiler reviews of it, particularly any that would have stupid headlines like this one: "Toronto Film Critics Name Sarah Polley's Adultery Doc Best Canadian Movie".
Go see it totally unprepared. You may have to see it again. There are many people involved and many overlapping stories.
In the best of ways, it appears to have been inspired by _Rashômon_, _Jules et Jim_ and, possibly all of Norman Jewison's movies.
Highly dramatic though not tragic. Slightly comedic in that sly, self-deprecating Canadian manner we allow ourselves to express. Also a cinéphile's delight.
Here's my own spoiler about Polley's documentary. There are NO branding irons bearing the letter A in the film. Not even one.
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