I was looking for early uses of 'massive' as MASSIVE. (Saw a tweet about the #millionhoodies protest with 'MASSIVE'.) I thought 'we' (being Canadian feminazis) initiated the use over the
MASSIVE push-poll that tried to discredit the award of the Order of Canada to Dr Morgentaler.
Can't verify that yet, but look what I found.
If I recall correctly, it was BlobBloggingWingnut who first used the term "MASSIVE" when SHE crowed about the results of the push-poll produced by KLRVU about Morgentaler receiving The Order of Canada.
That poll was soundly challenged by jj at unrepentant old hippie, then deconstructed in cooperation with some progressive masterminds like Bouquets of Grey.
Eeep. What you said, fh, by linking to Alison at Creekside.
Funny though, innit, how very diverse people seem COMPELLED to put MASSIVE in caps?
I mean, I have to stop myself if I'm using it in ordinary -- or worse, business-related -- communication. Not that one *does* use it much . . .
Those of us who responded to that "MASSIVE" snow job by Life-shite and their groupies used the capitalized form whenever we could to ridicule them and their campaign to return O of C medals, etc. etc.
Then it devolved to ironic use, whenever we mocked blogging RWNJ hyperbole.
And it's not just us. It seems to be irresistible. Watch for it on twitter etc.
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