In 2011, this has to be the one.
A teenager volunteering at a Seattle elementary school was apparently told to use the politically correct name “spring spheres” when she tried giving kids plastic Easter eggs filled with candy.
But a Seattle school board spokesperson told the Star it has not been able to confirm whether the incident actually happened.
“They said I could do it as long as I called the treats ‘spring spheres.’ I couldn’t call them Easter eggs,” a 16-year-old named Jessica told a Seattle radio station.
Ah, "political correctness", a term now pejoratively used by those who are too intellectually lazy, too ideologically religious or too politically entrenched to accept a challenge to their bigotry.
The incident above sounds like a humour-challenged fundamentalist misunderstood a comment or invented one to create the perception that there's some anti-christian "War on Easter" being waged.
That's actually quite amusing, given the pagan origins of Easter and the christians' systemic appropriation of beliefs and traditions that pre-date the alleged resurrection of their saviour.
Consider the squeamishness of RWNJ (right wing nut jobs) when certain words from *down there* are uttered publicly. From here:
At one point [Democratic State Representative Scott] Randolph suggested that his wife "incorporate her uterus" to stop Republicans from pushing measures that would restrict abortions. Republicans, after all, wouldn't want to further regulate a Florida business.
Apparently the GOP leadership of the House didn't like the one-liner.
They told Democrats that Randolph is not to discuss body parts on the House floor.
This led to a hysterically witty tweet campaign, in response to the Republican Stoopidity, with evocative Twitter hashtags: #uterati #GOPnames4uterus #OMGuterus #uterusmovielines, and more.
And also. The Raging Grannies sing out in their typical fashion.
Speaking of eggs ...
A Spring oblate spheroid, shurely? --Ed.
That's Mrs Shurely to you!
My mistake anyway, Ms. Shurely:
"The shape of an egg is approximately that of half each a prolate and a roughly spherical (potentially even minorly oblate) ellipsoid joined at the equator, sharing a principal axis of rotational symmetry."
So, Spring Half-prolate and Possibly Minorly Oblate Ellipsoid Joined at the Equator, or SHPMOEJE for short.
TMI, Shirley.
Isn't the real insult to Christians making Easter about Bunnies handing out chocolate eggs - not what you call them.
rww - One would think so.
Two words that say "spring" better than any egg, sphere, ovoid or chocolate bunny:
"Gefilte fish."
Zay geszundt.
See: a gefilte fish embryo.
Also, shouldn't it be a SHPMOEJESPARS?
Sorry, but my particular ethnic configuration does not allow me to say:
"Mmmm. Gefilte fish."
But I will note that science RULES no matter what. And evolution just keeps rolling along.
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