The mission of CRUSH, Canadians Rallying to Unseat Stephen Harper, a totally grassroots, multi-partisan group, is currently to run thought-provoking and revenue-generating ads in local mainstream newspapers (and to raise the dough to pay for them of course).
The group is clearly on a learning curve in media buying.
In March, they thought they had placed an ad in the high-visibility Saturday edition of the Calgary Herald. Expectant CRUSHers searched the rag without finding the ad. After some confusion, a wait until Monday business hours, and a double charge, it was revealed that the ad had run, but in the less-read Friday edition. Discussions -- and learning -- ensued.
Last week, there was another lesson (Scott has the details), this time concerning the Edmonton version of Metro. The group scored a coup in booking the outside back cover for Thursday at a pretty good price -- $1,000. Said price confirmed in writing. Press releases went out. Then, just before it was about to run, organizers were told that the ad was 'objectionable' and would not appear.
Discussions again ensued. Metro backpedalled. It would run the ad -- so how objectionable was is? -- but the price was now $2,500.
The infamous/famous line was trotted out: 'Mistakes were made'.
More discussions. CRUSH declined the new offer and got their $1,000 refunded.
Now here's the good part. Organizers put out another press release detailing this adventure. The good people at the Hamilton Spectator sent an unsolicited offer to run a full-page ad at a discounted price.
Now here's the ask. They don't have enough dough at the moment to take advantage of this interesting offer.
We realize we've begged on behalf of CRUSH before. Here we go again. If you're able, please consider contributing to this fascinating experiment in grassroots activism.
Our totally fucking useless Opposition isn't doing its job. It's up to us. Here's a way to help.
Also at that link is a summary of CRUSH's financial situation, accomplishments so far, and plans for the future.
And kudos to The Spec for standing up for freedom of expression. Well, OK, discounted freedom of expression.
How does this help me get rid of Stephen Harper?
Dammit Janet - thanks for coverage of CRUSH and the recent mishandle by the Metro Edmonton. As one of the people working to get this ad in the Metro, this has been a real eye-opener. We will continue to try to get an ad in Edmonton and will be heeding Scott's advice about smaller papers in the future. Cheers, Tracy
Mark: The intent is to get people talking about Harper's offenses against democracy, transparency and accountability. To engage ordinary people in political activity. To renenergize participation. It's an offshoot of CAPP.
Read about it here.
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