Pity the poor abortion criminalizers for they cannot rejoice out loud.
Shed a tear for their plight; Bill Donohue and Jill Stanek stewing in their venom, silenced because their noisy jubilation could attract unwanted FBI attention.
Shed a tear for their plight; Bill Donohue and Jill Stanek stewing in their venom, silenced because their noisy jubilation could attract unwanted FBI attention.
Consider their dilemma: for years they've directed murderous hatred towards health care practitioners who provide abortion and now they're not able to claim the glory.
So sad for the members of the Vulture Culture who want to embrace the man who shot Dr George Tiller dead in the lobby of his church.
Life is unfair, they cannot trumpet that this is a MASSIVE victory for their side, lest they be charged as co-conspirators in this public assassination.
Edited to add: And now Operation Rescue is obliged to lie ... to LIE!!! to cover up any perceived complicity in this deliberate act of terrorism.
Oh, but the little vultures sure are celebrating.
Apropos of this, this.
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