Over at Canadian Cynic, psa delivers one fine, fine rant. Fire the Pope encapsulates and sharpens the arguments that the Pope and his ecclesiastical goon squad have lost sight of and touch with humanity.
The DAMMIT JANET! crew has delivered a number of observations about the perorations of the Pontiff, here. psa's rant is sublime. Go read.
Can I become Canadian, please? I'm quite in love with that rant -- here's to wishing the church would learn a thing or two and act in a more loving and helpful way. I won't hold my breath.
Hey, Michelle, maybe you already are Canadian.
aw thanks debeaux!
psa - Isn't that the absolutely most fabulous illustration for Ayatollah Benedict - perfectly coined phrased, btw - that you've ever seen?
he looks so much more realistic beside the brimstone
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