Thursday 5 March 2009

Why, it's a regular three-ring . . . abortion clinic

I've been a slacker on the SHRIEEEK Watch lately, but being evicted is a tad distracting.

By way of LifeShite, a nifty story.

Here is Creative Loafing:
After months of waiting and speculation, construction is finally underway on the ground floor retail space at the new Planned Parenthood headquarters on north Central Avenue. The vacant storefront will soon be transformed into madeby, a gallery featuring an eclectic assortment of one-of-a-kind and limited-edition works created by students and alumni of Ringling College of Art and Design. Although merchants in the Rosemary District welcome the gallery, not everyone is happy about it. Members of a local right-to-life group have recently been picketing Planned Parenthood, in part protesting the association of the Ringling name with a facility that performs abortions.

Jim Sedlak — director of the national STOPP project (Stop Planned Parenthood) and vice president of the American Life League (ALL) — is among those who are opposed to the gallery. “Can you imagine a college bearing the prestigious Ringling name not caring about the killing of children?” says Sedlak. “Planned Parenthood has tried to create something respectable to generate acceptance in the community.”

But the idea for a store did not originate with Planned Parenthood.

Townplanners for the Florida town of Sarasata require that in certain nabes, all street-level business must be retail to encourage local shopping and pedestrian traffic. So Planned Parenthood consulted with its neighbourhood association. Students from Ringling College had for years exhibited their art at a local cafe but it had recently closed. Also, the college has a relatively new program intended to give art students some education in business and management.

Voilà! Serendipity. Students will run the art gallery.

Planned Parenthood has given Ringling a 99-year lease on the space at the princely sum of $1 a year.

Pretty generous of the biggest player in what the fetus fetishists call the 'abortion industry', eh?

1 comment:

JJ said...

Hey, that's cool! Great idea, giving the kids somewhere to display their creations.

Why do the fetus fetishists hate art students?

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