And movies. And literature. And television. And documentaries. And dancing. And fun.
Prolifism needs its own culture!!11!!!
(Plain text to save unwary clickers from fetal pr0n/gore redirect.)
Well, I was going to mock that with 'It does have its own culture and it sucks', providing handy links to fetus fetishist movies and music.
But then I saw that SUZE isn't alone in trying to counter the sane people's idea of a good life. The nutbars at the Family Research Council are working on it too.
They've come up with a doozy.
Apparently, the Democrats have come out swinging for the non-male vote with this cutesy slide show of how much better 'Julia' would fare under Obama rather than Mittens Romney. It's called Life of Julia.
FRC hits back with Life of Maggie.
I found it via JoeMyGod who can be something of a kidder. He tweeted:
Maggie's first date is with her father.And I thought 'funny'.
Well, it's still funny. Because it's true. See 'Age 14' in the slide show.
Most of the citations go to a new-to-me Bad Science outfit called marri research, which has been torqued from 'Marriage and Religion Research Institute'.
So, FRC has suggested #IAmMaggie as the hashtag for this hard-hitting campaign and BOOM! the Smartypantses are having a ball with it.
Maggie's favorite hobby is calling in bomb threats to abortion clinics. #IAmMaggie
— JoeMyGod (@JoeMyGod) May 15, 2012
And that, folks is called "Diversion" - when we evul, irreverent lefties and progressives subvert MASSIVELY stoopid RWNJ spin and make it ... well - diverting and entertaining.
...or utterly without substance/truth
Um. What is 'without substance'?
Uhm, having seen the supposed family life that Maggie has, they dare call the Obama plan 'alternate reality'?
I notice the Obama plan talks to Julie and the Maggie plan talks to "if maggie behaves in a certain way, coming from a certain family, and presuming certain things about that family and her ability to have money"
oi vey.
Did Daddy-O take Maggie to her HS (read Charter Christian Academy) Prom? They skipped that slide.
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